
[No photos- and I have a digital camera. How lame.]


slowly dialing it in.

Ok, here's what happened in the last few weeks.


this sucks.

as in the carbs suck too much fuel. the carbs have been running rich and now that i've started my postdoc at e been running rich and now that i've started my postdoc at TMSI, i don't have much time. but i think i've narrowed it down.

well, fixed the head gasket leak on the left cylinder. turns out while i was screwing with the valve seat replacement i grunged up the mating surface. a little JB weld and some careful grinding brought the surface flat again, and with a new head gasket the leak is gone.

Here's how carb things went:

So I'm going to try two things:


fun with shop presses.

fun with carbs.

fun with paint.

$6.00 paint job done. wait until i get the pictures. the faring, after mounted, is slightly askew, perfectly matching the deameanor of the mechanic-on-premises. no plans for straightening. (afraid of what the shop press will break next time.)


he's on his way. before i made it out to the west coast, here was the situation...


what I did.

Here's what I did with it all...


pulled on chokes. battery freshly topped off with trickle charger. bruce over to witness the event. leave carb air filters off for now. fires up after a few engine rotations, roars to life. louder than stock, certainly. IT WORKS! now, just need to go to Munroe motors in S.F. to get carb jets (and maybe new main needles and needle jets, too). also need to buy something from darwin as ted to buy something from darwin as thanks for help.

to do.

Last updated 9/29/00