Richard C. Yu*

"That's Me In The Middle"
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Gentleman Adventurer
The Molecular Sciences Institute
2168 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704 510.981.8750 email (remove NOSPAM for address)

*= indicates "hot and spicy"**;
** = lifted from the Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy

Top Priorities for 2002

Where am I in the Game of Life

Beautiful kid. House without roaches. A sheltered place to park my motorcycles. Awesome postdoc position in a fantastic lab. A wonderful oasis in the timeline of my life. It's only a matter of time before certain vengeful deities shake things up a bit.


So, where have I been since 1993? Surely, with a computer science degree I secured my chunk of the Internet Bubble Pie? Well, I took the high road (read: poor road) and have been doing the following...


In this time I've actually published some scholarly material. Spreading the knowledge- that's what I'm all about.

Curriculum Vitae

I have assembled a more formal little document describing my work up 'til now.

Et cetera

Yes, I have other interests.

This Web Page is sparse because I have kept YOU, Gentle Viewer, in mind. It is fast and simple, like an efficient (= sexy) German motorcycle. Things get a bit fancier (but are no less efficient/sexy) on my personal home page.

Last updated 01.2002.